Re-Shaping Your Brixton Fedoras

Re-Shaping Your Brixton Fedoras

Reshaping your Brixton Fedoras.
Brand Focus - Dubbleware Reading Re-Shaping Your Brixton Fedoras 2 minutes

We try our best to ensure our fedoras arrive without bends but these things happen and can be rectified.

Reshaping a wool fedora, step by step

Before beginning, ensure you have the following things:

  • Stovetop kettle
  • Paper towel
  • Clean hands

If you have a flat, full brim fedora, you’ll also want to ensure you have a dry, even surface nearby.

How to Reshape a Felt Fedora

Step one: boil water

A steady stream of steam is required to reshape your felt hat, so it’s easiest to use a stovetop kettle with an open spout. A boiling pot of water can work as well, but avoid using an electric kettle that shuts off automatically once boiling. While the water is boiling, identify which parts of your hat need attention.

Step two: apply steam to the fedora

To apply steam to the damaged parts of your fedora, hold the hat six to eight inches away from the spout of the kettle. The felt needs to be close enough to absorb moisture but far enough that it doesn’t receive a heavy amount of heat. Too much heat can cause the wool to shrink and alter the size and fit of the hat.

Ensure that you are holding the hat with the inner part facing you, as the steam can damage the inner sweatband and texture of the lining if it has one. Avoid applying steam to the outer decorations as well, like a band or buckle above the brim.


Have a look at our Brixton Hats collection, or browse all our hats here. For more information on keeping your fedora in shape, head over to Brixtons official blog and website.

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